
What are the photo requirements for an Egyptian e-visa application?

General rules

For a successful Egyptian electronic visaIt is crucial to respect certain criteria concerning the passport photo. Here are the main rules to follow to avoid your application being rejected.

The size of the photo must be 45 mm x 35 mmwithout margins or borders. The resolution must be at least 600 dpi to ensure good image quality.

The photo must be in colour, with a plain white background. Photos with coloured or cluttered backgrounds will not be accepted.

The face must be centred and occupy between 70% and 80% of the photo. It is essential that the gaze is directed towards the lens, with a neutral expression and the mouth closed.

Avoid shadows on the face or in the background. A good lighting is essential for a clear, uniform photo.

Headgear is not permitted, except for religious reasons. Accessories such as sunglasses must be removed. If you wear glasses, make sure that your eyes are clearly visible and that there are no reflections.

The photo must be recenttaken within the last six months to reflect your current appearance.

Files must be in JPEG or JPGand not exceed 500 KB in size. Also check that the photo is sharp and free of visible pixels.

Photo size

To obtain a Egyptian electronic visaIn Egypt, it is essential to provide a photo that meets specific criteria. Several factors must be taken into account to ensure that the photo is accepted by the Egyptian authorities.

The photo submitted for the visa application must be recent, ideally taken within the last six months. It must reflect the applicant's current appearance to avoid any refusal or delay in processing the application.

The background of the photo must be uni and preferably in a light colour, such as white or light grey, to ensure that the face stands out clearly. It is important that the image has no shadows or patterns in the background.

The applicant must have a facial expression neutral and both eyes open, looking directly at the lens. Smiles or other expressions are not accepted. In addition, it is essential not to wear any item that partially or totally covers the face, with the exception of religious accessories worn on a daily basis.

As regards the size of the photo, it must comply with the standard dimensions of 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm in physical format. For digital submissions, a resolution of at least 600 x 600 pixels is often required. The photo must be in JPEG or PNG with a file size of no more than 2 MB.

  • Dimensions: 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm (physical format)
  • Resolution: Minimum 600 x 600 pixels (digital format)
  • File format: JPEG or PNG
  • File size: Maximum 2 MB

By complying with these criteria, you increase the chances that your application for a Egyptian electronic visa is processed without complications. Always be sure to check the specific requirements on the official website to avoid any inconvenience.

Background colour

To obtain a Egyptian electronic visaIf you wish to apply for a visa, you must submit a photo that meets specific criteria. A photo that does not comply may result in your application being rejected, which could delay your trip.

Here are the general rules for an electronic visa photo :

  • The photo must be in colour.
  • The photo must be recent and no more than six months old.
  • The face must be fully visible and centred.
  • The photo must be clear, with no blurring or smudging.

With regard to background colourThe background of the photo must be plain and preferably a light colour, such as white. Photos with a dark background or with patterns are not accepted.

Make sure the background is uniform, with no cast shadows or visible objects. This will highlight the face and avoid any visual distractions.

If you wear accessories such as glasses, make sure there are no reflections and that your eyes are clearly visible. Avoid sunglasses or any type of headgear, except for religious or medical reasons.

By following these criteria, you increase your chances of having your Egyptian e-visa application accepted without any problems.

Facial expressions

To obtain a Egyptian electronic visaIt is crucial to respect certain criteria concerning the passport photo. A photo that does not meet the requirements may result in the application being rejected.

The rules for photographing an Egyptian e-visa are strict and must be followed to the letter.

  • The photo must be in colour and have been taken within the last six months.
  • The format must be 45 mm x 35 mm.
  • The background of the photo must be white and united.
  • The face should occupy between 70% and 80% of the height of the photo.
  • Make sure the photo is centred and sharp.

The facial expression in the photo is also very important when applying for an Egyptian e-visa.

  • The face must be neutralwith mouth closed and eyes wide open.
  • Avoid smiling or any other expression.
  • Glasses are accepted only if they do not conceal the eyes or cause glare.
  • Do not wear headgear unless it is for religious reasons. The face must be fully visible, from the bottom of the chin to the top of the forehead, and both sides of the face must be visible.

Complying with these criteria will ensure that your photo is submitted in accordance with the requirements, making it easier to obtain your Egyptian e-visa.

Technical specifications

Find out more about the photo requirements for applying for an Egyptian e-visa and make sure you submit photos that comply with official requirements.

For a successful Egyptian electronic visaIn Egypt, it is essential to comply with the photo criteria required by the Egyptian authorities. Failure to do so may result in delays or even rejection of your application.

The photo should be 45 mm high by 35 mm wide. Make sure the image is of high quality and sharp. The minimum resolution accepted is 600 pixels by 600 pixels.

The photo must be taken in colour and on a plain white background and not textured. Avoid dark or cluttered backgrounds.

The face should occupy 70-80 % of the photo, and the facial features should be clearly visible. Make sure the eyes are open and facing the lens.

Here are some things to avoid:

  • Wearing glasses with reflections or tints
  • Insufficient lighting or shadows on the face
  • Non-neutral facial expressions

Make sure there are no shadows in the image. Use natural lighting and direct your gaze towards the lens.

Brightly coloured or light-coloured clothing is recommended to contrast with the white background. Avoid wearing head coverings except for religious reasons.

Check that the digital file of your photo is in the format JPEG or PNG and does not exceed the maximum size of 500 Kb.

File format

The photos for Egyptian electronic visa must meet technical specifications to be validated.

The technical specifications include specific size, resolution and format criteria. The photo must be in colour, with a good resolution and sufficient clarity to show all the features of the face clearly.

Le file format for the photo must be in JPG or PNG format and must not exceed 500KB. Incorrect size may result in rejection of the visa.

Here are the other size and quality criteria:

  • Recommended size: 4.5cm x 3.5cm.
  • La photo must be recent (taken within the last six months).
  • The background should be plain and light-coloured (preferably white).
  • The face should be centred and occupy 70-80% of the image.
  • Neutral facial expression without smiling.
  • Eyes open and looking directly at the lens.
  • No headgear, except for religious or medical reasons.

Le non-compliance of these criteria may result in the application being rejected. visa. It is therefore crucial to ensure that the photo meets all the requirements before submitting it.

Image resolution

To submit a request for Egyptian electronic visait is crucial to comply with the various specifications concerning the passport photo. A photo that does not comply may result in the application being rejected.

La photo must comply with precise technical criteria:

  • JPEG format
  • Maximum file size: 2 MB
  • Recommended dimensions: 600 x 600 pixels
  • Plain white background
  • No filters or visual effects
  • Must be recent (less than 6 months)

La resolution resolution of the image must be sufficient to guarantee good quality. A resolution that is too low could make the photo blurred and unrecognisable, which could result in the application being refused.

We recommend that you scan your photo at a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch). This ensures that all the details of your face are clearly visible.

When taking digital photos, make sure you use a camera with a high resolution to ensure maximum image clarity.

Respecting these criteria will help you avoid delays or rejections in the processing of your Egyptian electronic visa.

Photo dimensions

To submit a request for Egyptian electronic visait is crucial to respect the technical specifications required for the photo. This ensures that your request is processed without a hitch.

The photo must be in colours and high quality. Make sure it is recent and accurately represents your current appearance to avoid any problems with identification on arrival in Egypt.

It must be in JPEG format and do not exceed a file size of 1 MB. The photo must be clairewithout shadows or reflections, and the background must be plain and white. Facial expressions must be neutralwith eyes wide open and looking at the lens.

It is also essential to respect the photo dimensions. The standard dimensions are 4.5 cm high for 3.5 cm wide. If you use a digital tool to resize your photo, make sure that the proportions do not distort your image.

What's more, it's crucial that your face occupies 70 to 80 % of the photo, which means that your head should measure between 3 cm and 3.6 cm from the base of the chin to the top of the head.

To sum up the main points:

  • Colour photo
  • JPEG format
  • Maximum size of 1 MB
  • Plain white background
  • Dimensions: 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm
  • Face occupying 70 to 80 % of the photo
  • Neutral facial expression

Submission process

Get a Egyptian electronic visa requires certain criteria to be met for the photo submitted at the time of application. These requirements are designed to ensure that your photo is accepted and that your request can be processed without delay.

The photo must be in colour with a white background or clear. Black and white photos will not be accepted. Make sure your photo is well lit and that there are no shadows on the face or in the background.

The format required for the photo is generally 4×6 cm. The resolution must be at least 400 pixels wide and 600 pixels high. Poor quality, blurred or grainy photos will be rejected.

The face must be fully visible and occupy around 70 to 80% of the surface of the photo. You should look directly at the lens with a neutral expression, eyes open and mouth closed. Avoid sunglasses or hats that cover part of your face.

  • No exaggerated smiles or grimaces
  • Hair must not cover the face
  • Head coverings are permitted for religious reasons only, provided they do not hide the face.

The photo must be recent, taken within the last six months, to reflect your current appearance. If the photo is too old, the application may be refused.

Files must be submitted in JPEG or JPGwith a maximum size of 1 MB. Photos in PDF, BMP or GIF format are not accepted. Please check the file size and format before submitting your application.

Respect these photo criteria for your Egyptian electronic visa application allows you to maximise your chances of success and avoid unnecessary delays in processing your application.

Accepted platforms

To obtain an Egyptian e-visa, it is crucial to comply with the following requirements photo criteria defined by the Egyptian authorities. A photo that does not comply may result in the application being rejected. Here are the specifications to follow:

  • La size of the photo must be 3.5 x 4.5 cm.
  • Le format must be in JPEG or JPG.
  • La resolution must be at least 300 DPI.
  • Le background should be plain, preferably white.
  • The face should be centred and occupy 70 to 80% of the photo.
  • Black and white photos are not accepted.

The process for submitting a photo for an Egyptian e-visa is straightforward. When applying online, you will be asked to download your photo. Make sure it meets the above criteria before submitting it. If in doubt, contact a professional photographer to ensure compliance.

For delivery, several accepted platforms facilitate the transmission of your photo in the required format. The main electronic visa application sites for Egypt are :

  • Official website Egyptian eVisa
  • Sites de service providers visa
  • Specialised mobile visa applications

Once you have uploaded your photo, make sure you check all the other information and documents before validating your application to avoid any delays or rejections.

Processing time

To obtain a Egyptian electronic visaTo be accepted, photos must meet specific criteria. The photo submitted must be recent, less than six months old, and in colour. The face must occupy between 70 and 80 % of the image, and the recommended dimensions are 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm. The background must be white or a light solid colour, with no shadows or patterns.

Facial expressions must be neutral, with eyes open and mouth closed. Photos with glasses are permitted, but the lenses must not be tinted and the frame must not obscure the eyes. Head coverings are only permitted for religious reasons, and even then they must not hide the face or create shadows.

Once the photo is in order, you can start the submission process. Upload your photo digitally, making sure that the format is accepted (usually JPEG or PNG) and that the file size does not exceed the limits indicated. Take care to check all the information before finalising the submission to avoid delays or rejections.

Le processing time for an Egyptian e-visa varies between 3 and 7 working days. During this time, your application is reviewed and you will be informed by email once your visa is ready or if additional documents are required.

Confirmation of receipt

When you prepare an application for Egyptian electronic visait is crucial to provide a photo conformity requirements. The photo must be in colour, recent and without borders. The required size is 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm. It must be in high resolution, with a maximum size of 2 MB.

The background of the photo must be whitewithout shadows. Your face must be visibly clear, without fashion accessories such as hats or sunglasses. Corrective glasses are tolerated as long as the eyes are fully visible and without glare.

The photo should show a neutral facial expression with the mouth closed. The angle of the face must be direct and centred, looking straight ahead. Profile photos are not accepted.

Lighting The light must be uniform to avoid shadows on the face. Natural lighting is recommended, but good quality artificial light can also be used.

You submit your photo online when you complete your electronic visa. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Scan or photograph the photo that meets the criteria.
  • Save the image in a format JPEG or PNG.
  • Name the file with your first and last name to make it easier to identify.
  • Download the file in the dedicated section of the application form.

After submission, a confirmation of receipt will be sent to you by email. Check the email to ensure that the photo has been accepted. If corrections are required, submit a new photo using the same criteria.

Practical advice

For a successful Egyptian electronic visait is crucial to provide a photo meeting specific criteria. Any deviation could result in your application being rejected, jeopardising your travel plans. Here are the basic criteria to be met:

La size The photo must be 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm. The digital file must be in JPEG format and no larger than 500 KB. The resolution minimum required is 600 DPI.

Your photo must be taken on a white background and plain, with no shading. It must be recent, less than six months old, and look exactly as you do now. Colour photos are compulsory. Black and white photos are not accepted.

Your face should be centred and take up around 70-80% of the photo. You must have a neutral expressionWith your eyes wide open and your mouth closed. The whole of your face, including the forehead and ears, must be visible. Sunglasses, head coverings and any other accessory that hides the face are prohibited, except for religious or medical reasons.

  • Make sure that the light is uniform to avoid areas of shadow or overexposure.
  • Avoid reflections if you wear glasses. Position your glasses so that the lenses do not create reflections and your eyes remain clearly visible.
  • Photos must be sharp and clear, with no filters or excessive retouching.
  • Your face should be directly in front of the lensnot in profile or at an angle.

By complying with these strict criteria, you will considerably increase your chances of obtaining a Egyptian electronic visa without a hitch.

Consult the official requirements

To obtain a Egyptian electronic visaIn order to obtain a visa, it is crucial to submit a photo that meets certain specific criteria. A photo that does not meet the requirements may result in delays or refusal of the visa.

Here are the main criteria:

  • The photo must be in colour taken within the last six months.
  • The size of the photo must be 45×35 mm.
  • Your face should cover between 70% and 80% of the photo, which is equivalent to a height of 32 to 36 mm from the chin to the top of the head.
  • Photography in high resolution with no visible grain or pixels.
  • The photo must be on a plain white background without shadow.
  • The gaze must be directed towards the camera, with a neutral facial expression and both eyes open.
  • Avoid wearing glasses unless medically necessary. If you wear them, make sure there is no reflection on the lenses.
  • The accessories such as hats or head coverings are prohibited, except for religious reasons.

To get the best possible shot, stand about one metre from the source of the light. natural light and make sure there are no shadows on your face. This will ensure a well-lit photo.

The size of the digital file must generally comply with the specifications indicated on the official website. Photos must often be in JPEGwith a maximum size of 10 MB.

It is essential to check official requirements on the Egyptian government website or from the relevant embassy. The criteria may vary slightly, and it is important to follow the specific instructions to avoid any complications.

Carry out preliminary tests

La passport photo is a crucial element in an application for Egyptian electronic visa. Respecting the specific criteria is essential to avoid your application being rejected or delayed.

The photo must be in colour, with a light background (white or slightly blue). The standard size is 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm. The face should be in the centre, covering approximately 70-80 % of the image. The ears should be visible and the gaze should be directed towards the lens. Avoid tinted glasses and hats, unless for religious reasons.

  • File format: JPG or PNG
  • Resolution: Between 600×600 and 1200×1200 pixels
  • File size: Maximum 2MB

The face should be well lit, with no shadows, and facial expressions neutral. Wide smiles or grimaces should be avoided.

Practical advice for successful photography:

  • Use a good quality camera or a smartphone with good resolution
  • Avoid busy or coloured backgrounds to avoid rejection
  • Make sure the photo is recent, taken within the last six months.

Carry out preliminary tests can be useful. Try taking several shots to ensure that the lighting is adequate and that the background is sufficiently bright. Also check the size and resolution of the image before submitting it. Using retouching software to adjust brightness or contrast is acceptable, as long as it doesn't change your appearance.

Ask for help if necessary

Obtaining a Egyptian electronic visa requires a photo that meets specific criteria. Make sure the photo is in colour, recent and of high quality.

The recommended dimensions for the photo are 45mm x 35mm. Make sure the photo has a minimum resolution of 600 dpi.

The background of the photo must be white and without shadows. Avoid coloured or patterned backgrounds.

The face must be fully visible and occupy between 70 and 80 % of the photo. Facial expressions should be neutral, with the mouth closed and the eyes open.

Glasses must be untinted and must not reflect light. Headgear is forbidden except for religious reasons, but must not mask the face.

Here are a few examples additional requirements :

  • The photo must not be retouched.
  • No jewellery or excessive make-up.
  • Shadows on the face or background should be avoided.

If in doubt, it is advisable to take a photo in a professional studio.

Common mistakes to avoid include using a scanned photosending a photo in black and white or a photo with an inappropriate background.

Ask for help if necessary

If you encounter any difficulties, don't hesitate to contact theprofessional help or consult the visa application centre. Errors in the photo may result in delays or rejection of your Egyptian e-visa application.

A: For an Egyptian e-visa application, the photo must be in colour, in JPEG format, and no larger than 500 Kb.

A: The photo for an Egyptian e-visa application must measure 3.5 cm wide by 4.5 cm high, with the head measuring between 3 and 3.5 cm from the crown to the chin.

A: The background of the photo for an Egyptian e-visa application must be plain, preferably light-coloured (white or cream).

A: For the Egyptian e-visa application photo, the person must be in a frontal position, with a neutral expression and a straight head, without smiling or wearing sunglasses.