
Choosing the right time to visit Egypt

You want to plan a trip to Egypt, but you're not sure whether the time is right. It's true that, depending on the season, Egypt can seem very hospitable or a real furnace. Certain events take place at certain times of the year, and it may be worth discovering them... So how do you choose the right time to visit Egypt? We tell you all about it!

Following the weather

Located on the edge of the Mediterranean, Egypt has two main seasons. However, this can vary and be more contrasted depending on the geographical area you want to visit. As a general rule, the climate in Egypt is Saharan in the south and temperate in the north, thanks to the influence of the Mediterranean Sea..

The year in Egypt can be divided up as follows: from November to April is winter, which is fairly mild, with temperatures rarely dipping below 9 or 10°C. From May to October, summer sets in, and here the thermometer can go crazy! It's not unusual for temperatures to reach 40°C or more! If you can only go on holiday during the hottest season, then it's best to adopt the local rhythm. The best time to visit is at sunrise or sunset. That way you can escape the scorching temperatures of an Egyptian afternoon.

By organising your trip around a special event

Egypt is a multicultural country with plenty of opportunities to celebrate. If you like to discover a country by taking part in a traditional event, then check the calendar of festivals and events organised at the time of your stay.

One of the most important events in Egypt is the Ramadan. Every year, Ramadan is the occasion for numerous festivals and celebrations, and the last 3 days (known as Aïd el Fitr) are particularly marked by prayers and parties. It's a chance to celebrate and discover a way of life that you may not be familiar with.
Eid el Kebir, Muharram (the Muslim New Year) and Ashura (10 days after the New Year) are also very important celebrations in Egypt.

In addition, Moulid events are organised throughout the year, a clever mix of fairs and religious festivalsThese were held to celebrate the Prophet Mohammed and were particularly popular in Egypt. Huge feasts are organised, with performances and blessings. An excellent way to immerse yourself in Egyptian folklore and religious worship.

⚠ A few last-minute recommendations

Don't forget that a visa is strongly recommended for travel to Egypt. To avoid all the red tape, opt for electronic visa or e-Visa. It's quick and easy. What's more, you can choose to use a specialist agency or website to apply for your e-visa.

Always pack comfortable but appropriate clothing: cotton or linen trousers, long-sleeved shirt or blouse. The effort will be particularly appreciated by local residents.